Parent – Teacher Conferences

It just amazes me how nervous I get before Parent/Teacher Conferences.  I have 14 of my 27 scheduled for this evening after school and my stomach is already in knots.  While I have never, in 24 years of teaching, had a conference go seriously wrong, I always seem to have that dread.  I worry about not having enough to talk about, too much to talk about, a parent ‘blind-siding’ me, etc.

I know that once I have a few ‘under my belt’ I’ll feel better…

I was curious if anyone else feels the same?  Also, anyone have any clever or unique ideas you use to spruce up your conference?  I always have a Scentsy or candle burning, small dish with candy, Fall centerpiece at the table. 

Okay…back to anxiously awaiting…lol 🙂