Boom Cards designed to engage reluctant learners

Have you ever thought how cool it would be to have digital task cards?  Digital cards that could be used by individual students, small groups of students or even the entire class?  If you have, let me introduce you to Boom Cards by Boom Learning!  These cards require no prep.  Yes that means…no copying, no laminating, no cutting, no finding a system for storing the cards.

Boom Cards make learning fun and engaging for students of all ages! Cards are available in a large variety of subjects and skills.

Click the above card to see how your students can use Boom Cards for Free!

I have been using Boom Cards in my classroom for a few years.  My students never seem to get tired of practicing a math skill when they are using Boom Cards.  Granted, I did have some students that tried to rush through a set just to be able to say they were done.  I solved that problem by setting a standard that had to be met.  For instance, for a deck that contained 20 cards, I might require a student  to get 18 questions correct.  If they miss more than 2, they have to start over.  And since the questions are randomized, students are not able to just memorize the answers.  Many sets of cards are free and with a free account you are able to select ‘fast pin’ and have your students engaged in learning with Boom Cards in no time. 


All teachers can join the Boom Learning community for free and there are many free Boom Card decks available.  Purchasing a annual subscription, however, is very reasonable.  It didn’t take me long to realize that the benefits of a paid subscription were too good to pass up.  You can create assignments for individual students, check student progress and view results. 

Still not convinced Boom Cards are right for you? Check out this short video from Boom Learning.

In addition, check out the Boom Learning Channel on YouTube for a variety of videos.  Here you will find the resources you need to get your classroom up and running with Boom Cards.

If you are looking for math Boom Cards, be sure to check out the decks of cards I have created.  My cards are available at both Boom Learning and at Mrs. B’s Best Store. 

And, as always…

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