Many years ago, I visited a 5th grade classroom and the first thing I noticed was a poster.  This poster stated, “All Homework is Due Tomorrow Morning!”  Now there was more than one of these posters, in fact it was plastered on every wall, so no matter where you looked you saw it.

At the time, I thought this was quite funny!  I mean, seriously, how many times do students need to be reminded of this?  Now, keep in mind, at the time I was teaching first grade.  A grade in which homework is not a critical component of the school experience.

Flash forward 15 years…to now…and after teaching 5th grade for the past 13 years, I totally get it!  And, guess what, I made several posters of my own.  I have posted these posters in my TpT store for FREE!  Just follow this link, FREE Classroom Info Posters.

While I do not plan to post duplicate posters throughout my room, I do think posting them below our classroom clock will leave no doubt as to what is considered homework and when that homework is due.