Common Core Math Success

Wow…the new Common Core Math Standards for 5th grade are challenging to say the least!  This year has been difficult.  I honestly don’t know what to think about the new curriculum.  I believe it will get easier as students coming in to 5th grade have more Common Core foundation from previous grades.  I still, however, question the developmental appropriateness of some of the standards.

That being said, I do have to share a success this week.  While I didn’t find this in the Common Core math series we are using, nor did I find it in the Common Core standards, I stumbled upon a shortcut that can be applied when multiplying or dividing fractions.  I found it while reading up on multiplying fractions on a middle school (of all places–I teach 5th grade–again the appropriateness??) website.  I’ll be honest, I had not multiplied or divided fractions since I myself was in school.  I had to have a refresher before teaching my innocent and unknowing 5th graders, lol!  Anyway, I went through the Common Core curriculum as written and once I felt the students had a handle on the process, I showed them how to ‘simplify before they multiply’ (works with dividing too..we just haven’t gotten that far yet).  Now to add some interest to the shortcut, I gave it a quirky name…”The Cross-Eyed Method”…and boy, oh boy, did it take off.  Shouts of I found ‘Cross-Eyes’ were heard from every corner of the room.  Even the kids who had been struggling, were catching on!  I was amazed!  It’s nice to end the week on a high note!

I did create a product for “The Cross-Eyed Method” and it is available in both my TpT Store and at my Teacher’s Notebook Shop!  Check it out 🙂  Note:  This product is part of  “Bundled for Savings Everything Multiplying and Dividing Fractions” as well.

And, if you are needing additional materials for Fractions, you may want to check out my newly Bundled for Savings Packs.  Click on images below to go to the product in my store.