Hallway Bulletin Board Got You Down? Mrs. B Has You Covered!

Early in my teaching career, I changed my bulletin boards every month.  And, I am not going to lie, I enjoyed it!  Somewhere along the line, probably after year 15 or so, I began to get more practical about the time I was spending on my classroom boards.  Maybe it was the move from 1st grade to 5th grade or maybe I’d just had enough, lol!  Honestly, it was a little of both.

Each spring, I go on the hunt for the perfect bulletin board idea for my hallway board.  The perfect bulletin board will be put up after the students have left on the last day of school and stay up until the end of the upcoming school year.  You may remember my boards from the previous two years.

My daughter always jokingly said, "Be the Reason Someone Cries Today!" Bahahahahaha!
Reflect, Solve, Create, Grow, Think & Learn

When I took each of these boards down, I was careful not to tear the laminated letters.  That is because I also have put my bulletin boards on a rotation cycle.  You can read more about that here.

Now for  this year’s board.  Thank you to whoever created and pinned this board, because it was my inspiration for my own board.

Pinterest Pin that inspired my hallway board
The various pops of color really catch my student's eyes!

And, yes, that is the previous two year’s background and border.  I have truly gotten lazy when it comes to my boards! 

Now, for the fun part…if you like what you see, I’ve uploaded the posters for you!  Click here Hallway Board Posters download and ENJOY!

If you don’t like the wording or want to substitute one of my posters with one of your own, feel free!  The fonts used include:  KG Broken Vessels Sketch and KG True Colors.  Both are available free for private use at Kimberly Geswein Fonts store on Teachers Pay Teachers.

While you are at Teachers Pay Teachers be sure to stop by my store, Mrs B’s Best!

I love reading comments, so please leave your thoughts and pictures!  I would love to see how your board turns out!  It is always fun to see how other teachers are able to put their own spin on things!

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