The new Common Core Standards promote teaching students a variety of ways to solve a problem. Using the various properties of math are utilized a great deal. Most of my students catch on to the Communative, Associative, etc. But the Distributive really causes a great deal of frustration.

I created this tri-fold handout for my students to use as a resource they can refer to when asked to use the Distributive Property.

The original handout has two different type of problems: Example One and Example Two. I have taught my 5th graders both. It, however, dawned on me that not all teachers may want to delve into Example Two since it is a bit more in depth.

So, I created two covers for this foldable: One which includes both examples…

and a second that separates the two examples. This allows the teacher to only teach one or the other or perhaps teach them at different times.

Note: The covers are upside-down for easier front and back copying for the tri-fold finished product.

Visit my Teacher’s Pay Teacher’s Shop or Teacher’s Notebook Store to purchase your own Making the Distributive Property Work for You packet.

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