Have you and your students tried BOOM Cards yet? Here’s your chance to see what they are all about! This BOOM Card deck makes learning fun while providing students the opportunity to digitally practice how to multiply multiple digit factors. With this deck of self-checking task cards students can build confidence and fluency while mastering a challenging coHave you and your students tried BOOM Cards yet? Here’s your chance to see what they are all about! This BOOM Card deck makes learning fun while providing students the opportunity to digitally practice how to multiply multiple digit factors. With this deck of self-checking task cards students can build confidence and fluency while mastering a challenging concept.
Students Calculate & Clean their way to practicing math skills!
With Calculate & Clean your students are able to practice their math skills. Students calculate and write their answer with a dry-erase marker, check their answer and once finished, they clean the card!
Cards can also be used digitally, just send the cards to your student’s device!
Take a look at the Best-Selling Flip-Book series!
The purpose of a ‘We Flip for Math’ Flip Book, is to provide a struggling student with a step-by-step guide to take them through the process they are struggling with.