I am so excited to continue the process of adding to my Common Core math binder this coming school year.  Last year I began the process of building my binder.  First, I printed the contents of my Get Organized! 5th Grade Common Core Math Binder & Tracker with Editable Pages.  Once I had the pages I wanted printed, I began the assembly process.

I decided to use the “Part Color” file.  I printed the front cover and domains on white paper. (below)

Then I printed the coordinating spine page (below).  Note: There is a spine that coordinates with the cover, but there are also spines for each of the 5 domains–at some point the binder may get so large, I will decide it is easier to have a binder for each domain.   I also have an editable blank spine and blank divider page, so I can customize to suit my needs.

Next, I slipped each of the domain divider pages into a plastic protector page. (below)  I could have laminated as well. I would suggest doing one of the two for durability.

Using alternating colored paper (lime and blue) I printed off the black and white standards (a colored version is available.) Once again, I used plastic protector pages for durability and then placed each standard behind the appropriate domain divider page. (below)

The final component I added was a recording sheet for each standard.  Note, some standards are divided into 2 or 3 parts.  I made my copies on white paper (below).  During the past school year, I recorded lessons/activities I taught and used in my classroom that aligns to that particular standard.  There is also a place to record the date, concerns and resources.  Editable versions of the recording sheets are also included for those that prefer to type their data onto the form. included an editable version of these recording sheets.

Behind each lesson/activity recording sheet I started my collection of activities, worksheets and resources that I used to effectively cover each standard. (below)

The 2 above pictures feature  “Zero Can Be Your Hero – Multiplication Patterns with 10, 100, 1000”.

The above picture features “The Early Bird Task Cards for Division Patterns with Multiples of 10”.

The above picture features “Goofy Gorilla Card Game: Multiplication Patterns with Multiples of 10”.

I intentionally left the backs of these activities blank so I was able to record when I used the activity. (below)  I probably should have also written where I have the game or activity stored.

The last step is to begin the process of adding the ready-made tabs to both the domain and standard divider pages. (below)

These are the pages I choose to use.  However, there are several more pages included with the Get Organized! 5th Grade Common Core Math Binder & Tracker.  They include a class checklist (PDF and editable), Quick Notes recording sheet (PDF and editable), a 2-page lesson plan template (PDF and editable) as well as some additional colored divider pages (school calendar, additional resources, lesson plans).

This particular binder is designed to be used with 5th grade common core.  However, I this resource for 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade. In addition, I also have Common Core binder materials available for the ELA standards, grades 3-8, at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.


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